Features of the Laboratory

Taking the courses offered by our laboratory, students can receive Social Researcher Certification, which is recognized and awarded by the Japanese Association for Social Research.
We conduct actual social surveys, especially large-scale questionnaire surveys, as joint laboratory projects. Through discussions and collaborative work, students can learn about research themes and survey methods (data collection and analysis methods).
Please see “Current Research Projects” for a list of projects currently being undertaken in our laboratory.
Research Methodology
Survey method
We analyze data collected via a questionnaire survey.
In many cases, we conduct a face-to-face survey using tablet PCs instead of paper to protect personal information and improve the efficiency of tabulation work, and accumulate the necessary know-how for digitization.
The survey is conducted via SMS messages to randomly selected telephone numbers. As the landline phone ownership rate continues to decline, this method is attracting attention as an alternative to RDD.
A research method in which researchers participate in the activities of the social group under study to understand the subject of the research from the inside. In addition to quantitative analysis as a primary method, we also focus on the analysis of such qualitative data. For these analyses, we utilize Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) software and text mining.
Analytical method
An analytical method to understand how multiple factors are associated with a factor of interest.
A method of analyzing data constructed by observing an individual (e.g., a person or a company) over multiple time points.
A method that considers an individual or company as a single point (node) and analyzes the interaction between the nodes.
A method to estimate the effects of a stimulus by randomly assigning respondents into several groups and giving each a different stimulus.